Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Ta-da! ...TWOsday!!

Is it Tuesday already?! Well, in that case, it's time for me to tell you about two things motivating or inspiring me at the moment. Hopefully these particular things will not just be inspiring me right now, but will continue to motivate me for some time:

1) Recently I was digging through some old things that I had thrown in boxes and put away, but completely forgot about. One thing I found of interest was a camera my grandfather had given me before he passed away.

It's a 1960 Kodak® Retina Automatic 1 (with manually adjustable aperture/shutter speeds, too!) with a hard brown leather case, an attachable flash, four lens, and a lens umbrella. Unfortunately, I had completely forgotten it even existed until I was digging through a box of old photos. Also, I'm not sure if it still works; but I loaded it with a roll of 35mm film and snapped a few shots, so hopefully once I finish the roll, I'll be able to develop some nice pictures. Because the shutter release is on the front of the camera and a little hard to press down, I'm sure some of my pictures will turn out a little blurry, but maybe that'll give my pictures some character. Overall, though, this is a really nice, antique camera and because it used to belong to my grandfather, I treasure it.

2) Secondly, I came across some old karate uniforms and sparring pads and I realized I'm missing sports in my life...really missing them. I used to be so active and physically fit when I was a kid...now I feel like all I do is work. But I need to exercise and get back in shape; only problem is finding the motivation to go to the gym or get out and walk...then it hit me in the skull like a punch from the Great Khali, "DUH!!!" I took Tae Kwon Do for eleven and a half years, from when I was a little six year old in elementary school until I graduated high school. I had gotten all the way to a second-degree black belt and was getting ready to test for my third degree (but due to my erratic college schedule and increased work hours, I fell away from Tae Kwon Do). But still I'm a huge fan of contact sports, martial arts, and a healthy way of releasing stress while getting or staying in shape. While I'm not sure I would continue Tae Kwon Do, I am really interested in kickboxing. 

Now I just need to get up and join a kickboxing class...I know I'll enjoy it and I'll be able to benefit from it too! Someone tattoo me with the Nike® slogan!

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