Friday, December 21, 2012

Freehand Friday!

Well, ya know, since it's the Apocalypse and all today, I figured I'd try to lighten the cataclysmic mood by posting a sketch I did earlier:

I call it, "The Rose." Wonder why, huh? I drew this relatively small 4"x6" sketch on a pad of white drawing paper using a mechanical pencil. However, one of my co-workers at my full-time job bought me a sketching and drawing kit that I can keep at work and actually produce some nice pieces on my lunch hour. I really like doing little sketches like this while I'm at work; they're quick, so I can fit them in during my breaks, and it's a nice break from staring at a computer screen (even when I adjust the brightness on my computer, my eyes still burn after a solid hour of wide-eyed glaring at the luminous glow of the screens...anyone else have that problem?)

Since it's Friday--and the apparent Apocalypse--I'm keeping this post fairly know, in case the Mayans were right and some catastrophic event happens and I have to duck and just never know. Wait...what's that sou--


  1. I love roses! have you ever tried your hand at drawing tattoo style roses? I'll bet you'd be great at it, I wanna practice doing those myself

  2. I would love to draw tattoo designs, in general. I like the linear aspect of a lot of tattoo designs.
