Alright, so what else is motivating and inspiring me this week? I've got two things for you: MOVIES!! (Ok, yeah, I realize that's only one topic and technically there's a billion more than just two movies in existence, but I've become very inspired by two movies that I've recently seen):
1) The Hobbit (© 2012, New Line Cinema, Metro-Goldwyn-Meyer, et al).
Peter Jackson has really outdone himself; this movie is so visually stunning...if you were to pause it at any given moment, it would look like a publicity still. I love the color palette, the lighting, the soundtrack, the action, the ability to adapt a movie so closely to the original's just amazing! I've seen it twice now, and I'm completely blown away by it. If you haven't seen "The Hobbit" yet, what on earth are you waiting for? Go see highly recommend it! (Side note: now I want a hedgehog named Sebastian, he's so adorable! And I've even been called a hobbit--due to my big feet and short stature). Not only am I inspired by every aspect of this film, but now I'm motivated to create some colorful sketches. If you've noticed, my previous freehand sketches have been, well, for lack of a better term, gray. So expect to see some colorful drawings in my Freehand Friday post later this week.
2) Movie 43 (© 2013, Relativity Media, Virgin Produced, GreeneStreet Films, et al).
Holy Lord! Talk about non-stop, inappropriate, completely politically UNcorrect, adult humor...I loved it!! This movie has to be my favorite of 2013; and yes, it's still only January. If you don't know anything about this movie, let me give you a little synopsis: So this all-star cast movie opens with Dennis Quaid's character trying to pitch a script to Greg Kinnear's character. The script Quaid's trying to sell is made up of several shorts dealing with some of the most raunchy and comedic topics thrown together in one hour and thirty-seven minutes...and it works!! If you're easily offended, you might be wound a little too tight, and you might want to steer clear of this movie. But if you have a sense of humor, you'll enjoy it...I highly recommend this one!
Now, for my bout of inspiration from Movie 43: I've worked in retail for the past 13 years (both full-time and part-time; morning, evening, and double shifts). I've dealt with all kinds of forms of crazy, funny, weird, and awkward situations, not just from customers, but from fellow staff as well. Last night, I went to see Movie 43 with a friend that I've worked many a-year in retail with (about 7 or 8 years total) and as soon as the movie was over, I brought up how I should make a movie based on my retail experience, showing little clips of "incidents" that have happened in the last 13 years. My friend and I spent about forty minutes sharing hilarious stories from the store. After nearly sending myself into an asthma attack and dying of laughter, I thought, "Huh...wouldn't it be funny if I wrote all these stories down and put them into a book or script format?" So now I'm motivated to do just that...who knows, maybe somebody will make "my life in retail" into a movie one day...well, I can dream, can't I? (Once I get some of these stories written down, I might even share some on here for your reading enjoyment...and yes, it's retail, so it's definitely funny and wildly inappropriate in most cases. Best thing about these stories, I couldn't make them up if I tried!)
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